Your iPad & iPhone IMEI: What Is an IMEI Number & When Do You Need to Do an IMEI Check? Here's a fun link to follow if you'd like to learn more about how to decode the serial number on your device. You may need to do an iPhone serial number lookup when you call Apple for support, or to insure your iPhone. Everything from the location of the factory where your phone was produced, as well as the date of production, to the model, the storage capacity, and even the color. The serial number on your iPhone is a unique string of digits that identifies your device and contains a wealth of information if you know how to decode it.

Apple Serial Number: What Does an iPad or iPhone Serial Number Mean & When Do You Need to Do a Lookup? Let's get started learning what these Apple serial numbers and IMEI numbers are for, and how to find them when you need them. Sometimes you need your iPhone IMEI number when you're wondering, " is my phone unlocked"? Other times you may need to do an iPhone or iPad serial number lookup before you contact Apple for support, or when filling out registration and support forms from Apple or your insurance company. If you need to find your iPhone serial number, iPhone IMEI, iPad serial number, or iPad IMEI, here are all the ways to look up the number you need.

How to Find an iPhone Serial Number without the Phone.How to Find an iPhone Serial Number If You Have Your Phone, but It Won’t Turn On.How to Find IMEI & Serial Number for iPad or iPhone Using a Mac.How to Find an iPad Serial Number & iPad IMEI.How to Find an iPhone Serial Number & IMEI If You Have Your Phone & It's Working.